Nathan Le Ray

Nathan Le Ray

Ingénieur logiciel & architecte cloud


Dr Albert Fontrier SOS Médecins

From October 2012 to July 2014, Nathan Le Ray changed the configuration of the ERP of an Emergency Medical Service. Every year, its dedicated call centre centralizes around 70000 phone calls leading to around 45000 medical home visits. These calls are made in urgent circumstances or in the absence of a treating doctor.

In a secure WebApp format, the ERP provides a classical feedback system of the patients’ files (available on site or on the doctors’ smartphones), a real-time geolocation of the ongoing or planned visits (either locally or accessible via smartphones), an internal mail server, a complete asset accounting module, a controlled access of the medical data transmission from the outside, a statistics module of the activities, a medical appointment schedule, which would allow a better management of future customer activities, as well as a simple and user-friendly admin interface.

While restructuring the tool since 2008, the result of some previous projects, Nathan Le Ray, who was 20 years old at that time, has been able to reconsider the whole project. He assessed the ergonomic needs of the different users (telephone operators, doctors, the administrator and the accountant). He took part in the drafting of the specifications. He explained the technical choices he could make. He included an outsourced backup solution. He anticipated the older database recovery. He adapted to the local network configuration. The contract also included the fact that he would put the project into production, which he did on July 21st 2014.

In short, beyond his efficient technical command, Nathan Le Ray proved to show a deep understanding of the customer needs as a whole.